July 10, 2006

Veronica Giuliani

Today we remember St. Veronica Giuliani, an Italian Capuchin Poor Clare of the late 17th and early 18th centuries. She acquired some fame even in her own lifetime for her intense and sometimes outlandish mystical experiences, as well as some stigmata.

Part of the selection from her diary that is in the Office of Readings grabbed me this morning:

For several days now I am experiencing a certain disposition in my heart which I do not understand, so I will merely describe the effects it produces in me.

It reminded me of the advice of a wise spiritual director. He told me not to expect or be greedy for any experiences of God during prayer or meditation. Instead, I should try to notice the effects of the meditation in the rest of my life.

"What do you usually do right after your meditation?" he asked me.

I told him that I usually have coffee or wash the dishes from the morning.

"And do you have coffee or wash dishes differently, with more recollection and peace, because you have meditated?" he asked.

He taught me to try to discern the presence of God in this sort of way.


  1. Good reminder. We do no pray in order to experience God. This is a danger in our postmodern era so greedy to experience (to have it) all.

  2. Maybe also, a little prayer might help transform the resentment of chores into a willing heart.


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