October 9, 2006


My first day as a deacon was really something. Fortunately for me, the experienced permanent deacon was there for all the Masses, coaching me and sharing the deacon duties with me in genuine spirit of ministerial hospitality. Here's how it went:

Mass #1: Early morning Mass in English, without music. My first bumbling attempt at setting up the altar.

Mass #2: Principal Mass in English, with the choir. My first proclamation of the Gospel, which I forgot to kiss when it was done. Coffee time afterwards with the English-speaking folks.

Mass #3: Principal Mass in Spanish, with the baptism of four babies. My first dismissal of the assembly. Then we were given Latino lunch.

Mass #4: Mass with the Sudanese community for the celebration of the feast of Daniel Comboni, the first bishop of Khartoum. The Mass was partly in English, with all of the sung parts and responses in Arabic. It was very beautiful, actually. After this Mass we were given Sudanese supper, and I gave my first meal blessing.

What a day! But I'm very grateful.


  1. Sounds wonderful...and tiring too.:-).

  2. Wow! By the end of the day, were you forgetting what language you were supposed to be using? (I used to do that, when I had alternating classes in Spanish and English--or religion--to teach. Could never remember whether to say "Good morning" or "buenos dias" to the kids coming in!)
    Many blessings to you in your ministry as a deacon & continued formation.

  3. Full diaconal day. Congratulations and blessings. Have you preached yet, or is that thrill yet to come? Peace!

  4. "I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy"...Philippians 1:3-4


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