November 10, 2006


Yesterday afternoon I went for a walk to clear my head of a paper I was trying to write. On the way back I went by two police officers who were attending to street repairs around the corner from our house. As I passed them I said hi. One of them looked at me and said, "You don't look right walking around here." I smiled, but I was speechless at the comment.

I hardly think about it, but it's true. I live in the wrong neighborhood. By the world's standards, I don't belong here. And I'm proud of it. Proud of it in the Lord, of course.

It reminded me of a band I used to listen to back in college, Nomeansno. Their best album, "Wrong," contained a poster or something that said, "Be Strong. Be Wrong." I hung it in my dorm room, and I think it might still be pasted to the inside of the lid of my footlocker.

Sometimes that's just the attitude that the disciple of the Lord needs. To have the strength and courage to think and do the wrong thing in the eyes of the selfish and glittering ideologies of this world.


  1. Friar,

    Ditto... God Bless.

    I wonder what could prompt such a remark? Were you in habit?

    I've had a few instances where I've inadvertantly (in my view) run afoul of police officers who insisted on asserting their "command presence" to me without provocation on my part. I find myself resenting it, but I have to remind myself that at the end of the day, he would risk his life or me, or God forbid, have to come across the aftermath of someone's children in a car crash... It must be a difficult job for them, and I'm sure they take a lot of abuse.

    Still, I'm not likely to be one who "looks wrong in the neighborhood." It must be a difficult daily struggle for minorities, etc...

  2. Thanks Jeff. I remember one time when I was a teenager I was standing around on a street corner with two friends. A cop came over and told us to "disperse." We just laughed at him - the idea that a crowd of three could "disperse" struck us as funny.

    Luckily, I've learned a little more respect for people with tough jobs.


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