December 26, 2006


Somehow, this Christmas, I feel like it's time to start being my real self.


  1. It's always nice to put a name & a face to the blog.
    Because I want to protect my family's privacy, for the sake of the kids, I don't post pictures on my site (at least ones that contain faces!!) Makes for some creative photography :)
    Holy Name Province???

  2. Thanks, Barb, and Merry Christmas. Holy Name is the OFM province; for better or worse, I'm an OFM Cap.

  3. Didn't know which "brand" of Franciscan you were....all "better" as far as I am concerned.

    I grew up surrounded by the Franciscans of Holy Name province, which is why I asked. But I believe the habit is a bit different--obviously my time here among the Conventuals has blurred my memory of such details.

  4. So nice to see Capuchins with shaved heads and beards! I saw several of your brothers and sisters in Denver Sunday night at St. Patrick's, which serves as the chapel for our local Capuchin Clares. Sr. Maria de Jesus was celebrating her 25th Jubilee. Please Pray for her!

  5. You are a Franciscan and it's nice to see the actual you in this picture. Thanks for your presence and nurture. Peace.

  6. Love the gear! :0) It's an interesting detail here in the UK that a traditional habit gets a Franciscan minister friend of mine into some of the more off-beat night clubs in his city,and allows honest and searching conversations to open up with the young people that would never otherwise have been possible. Warmest Christmas blessings from here in Penzance, UK.

  7. I'm just glad to see you're a real franciscan! Thanks for the "glasnost".


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