February 7, 2007

You Know You're a Nerd When...

You go to school to see your thesis director and run into another professor, who says he has a present for you. The present then turns out to be a re-gift of a T-shirt that says, Sona Si Loqueris Latina, "Honk if You Speak Latin."

You just might be a nerd if...

1. You can read it,
2. You think it's funny,
3. You wonder if it's not supposed to say "loqueris latinam," but then having looked up and reviewed the transitive and intransitive uses of loquor, locutus sum, loqui decide that it's correct
4. are so bemused by 1. and 2. and the fact that you really did 3., you will have no shame and actually wear it.
5. The next thing you do is visit the library to borrow Bonaventure's Collationes in Hexaemeron, and find one of your own lost bookmarks in it.

1 comment:

Faithful, or even just thoughtful criticisms are always welcome. Uninformed rudeness to other posters or to the Lord and His Church is not.

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