August 31, 2007

Suddenly Real

Sometimes things that are long expected don't become real for me until some particular but otherwise mundane moment. I spent over a year in the candidacy and application process for the Order, but it wasn't until the day I sold my car that my entrance into religious life was suddenly really going to happen.

Well today, like every week, the Sunday bulletins arrived in the parish office. And there on the front I saw the change: "Rev." had been added to my name. I've been looking forward to this for a long time, but now, when it's only a week away, it's real: I'm going to be a priest.


  1. Wow! I just stumbled into your blog and found out that you are an about-to-be priest!!
    Congrats and THANK YOU!!

  2. Anonymous12:23 PM

    It's only a week away?

    I had no idea.

    This is great! absolutely wonderful news!

    When is it then? the 8th? There couldn't be a better way to celebrate Our Lady's birth!

    Such wonderful news.

    --ben in denver

  3. It is indeed going to be on Our Lady's birthday. I just haven't been making a big deal about it here.

  4. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Congratulations on the upcoming Ordination Day! I can't believe that I myself have been ordained for almost 4 months. It truly is a joyous time and what a great day to be ordained on our blessed mother's birthday. May God bless you and be assured of my prayers especially on the 8th.

  5. It may be premature to offer congratulations, but I promise, this week, to pray that God will bless you and your priestly ministry. And as Ali said, THANK YOU!

  6. Wohooo!!!! Know of my prayers!

  7. Awesome!! I wish I was going to be at your first Mass. I will be in spirit. Peace Brother Charles and thanks for the prayers. :-)


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