September 13, 2008

His Descent Is Our Ascent

The Exaltation of the Holy Cross is a celebration of opposites, of contradiction, and of paradox. Through the Cross the self-emptying humiliation of God becomes the means of our exaltation. My homily for this weekend is posted here.

1 comment:

  1. hi Fr. C!
    sorry for the delay in writing about how the readings of this past weekend, the Feast day itself, and your homily has inspired me. i agree with the part where you say that "through the Cross the self-emptying humiliation of God becomes the means of our exaltation." that really says a lot! somewhere in scripture (i forget exactly where) it says: "he who humbles himself will be exalted and he who exalts himself will be humbled." this passage can really teach us to put things into perspective. it really shows that we are all on our journey as brothers and sisters in Jesus and that we all have a cross to carry (ourselves) but that we don't have to carry any burden all on our own - we can help each other. if we're open enough to the Holy Spirit, there are always opportunities right in front of us to be there for others. this feast day is a special one, since it is the day i was baptized! PEACE!
    tara t


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