September 27, 2008

The Imitation of Christ

The Incarnation of the Word in the human life of Jesus Christ reveals the unseen God, but it also reveals God's vision for our humanity. My homily for this weekend is posted here.

1 comment:

  1. beautiful homily this evening, Fr. C! and, also, your homily this morning was very inspirational, too. thank you! about your homily this morning: people need to hear about prayer and what it is and what it can do for us. for me, personally, prayer is not just all the ritual prayers we say, but mostly my prayer is from the heart and also through spending quiet time listening to God and meditating on Sacred Scripture (i feel that God really speaks to us through Scripture)and prayer is also about being open to the Holy Spirit. we can hear God's voice so much clearer if we are open when we are in prayer. if anyone feels that they're not hearing God when they're in prayer, then pray to the Holy Spirit to open your eyes, ears, heart and soul. God will listen and He will help.
    the readings and your homily for this weekend were really beautiful! being humble is what really speaks to me. and i have referred to the following passage from Sacred Scripture before, but i'll refer to it again because it's important: "God has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with your God."~Micah 6:8~ your homily from this morning, Fr. C, really kind of connects to this evenings, because it is through prayer (quality time spent with God) and frequent participation in the Holy Eucharist that we will become more "Christ-like." it will only be natural for us to want the best for others ahead of ourselves and we will love others with an agape kind of love and we will be humble. there is something else that comes to mind as i finish this comment and that is these words that i've heard in a hymn and i think also in Sacred Scripture (but i forget where): "turn to Me, O man and be saved, says the Lord, for I Am God - there is no other. I call your name." we are all called to turn to the Lord with our whole heart, soul, mind & body. if we do, good and great things can happen for others and for ourselves and we will have PEACE!
    tara t


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