September 20, 2008

Workers In The Vineyard

God invites us to cultivate his kingdom, and promises us a just reward for our labors. My homily for this weekend is posted here.

1 comment:

  1. hi Fr. C!
    i finally got to read your homily and, as usual, it was very inspirational! thank you!:) yes, i agree that the Gospel this weekend is similar to the one about sowing seeds. it does take hard work, but the fruits of good work is definitely worth the effort. living a virtuous and moral life should really be its own reward. in the Gospel of this past weekend, i feel that those who worked hard all day should feel honored to have been "chosen" to work so much earlier than those who came later in the day. in a way, this is like our relationship with the Lord, i think, because those of us who are deeply rooted in faith and who are dedicated workers for the Lord presently, should feel honored that God has called us so much sooner than those who come to know the Lord so much later in life or even at their last moments of life. we have enjoyed a longer and more peaceful way of life because we follow Jesus now. this is such a blessing and an honor! God is good and welcomes everyone when they are ready.
    tara t


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