December 26, 2008

Adeste Fideles

Sharing some Chinese food in between the Masses of Christmas Eve, I had fun with our organist by telling him how I'm always very amused to sing "O Come All Ye Faithful" because my original reference point for the tune is not the hymn, but Twisted Sister's 1984 hit "We're Not Gonna Take It," which is just about the same song. After being mocked unmercifully about it these many years, they finally just recorded the real thing, complete with an interpolation of "We're Not Gonna Take It" as part of the bridge at about 2:30:


  1. You KNOW I am going to share this little gem with the members of my (guitar) choir this afternoon! Might wait until AFTER Mass, though, because this particular carol is on the list. Thanks for the laugh!

  2. That is great you posted that song.
    I grew up with an older who used to blast "Twisted Sister" who knew they sang that song?


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