December 13, 2008

Clothed and Adorned

Rejoice in the Lord always, for he is near. The arrival of the Eternal Word made flesh is the good news of a fresh renovation of our humanity. My homily for this weekend is posted here.


  1. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Brother Charles,

    Greetings in Christ! Happy Advent! I am a fellow Franciscan (T.O.R. living in Pittsburgh) who wandered upon your blog and look forward to staying in touch.

    I enjoyed your homily...I'm about to go prepare for preaching tommorrow myself.

    May the Lord continue to bless you and give you Peace!

    Jonathan St.Andre, T.O.R.

  2. hi Fr. C!
    i enjoyed reading your homily this week, too. i had a busy weekend, so didn't have time to post a little comment/reflection, but i'll do that later. ok? (i was happy to help out on saturday! - anytime!:))
    tara t

  3. hi Fr. C! this is a really great homily for Gaudete Sunday. i had the honor of being lector at the 5:00 pm Mass and those readings from Sacred Scripture for Gaudete Sunday are so beautiful. i like the line in your homily where you say that "It is us who ae given the opportunity of changing from water into wine." this is a very great honor that God gives us. receiving the Holy Eucharist frequently will help us and give us the strength to do this. i know that sometimes we might feel tired and not too joyful during this busy time of year, but we can find true joy in God. i think St. Paul tells us how to find true joy in his first letter to the Thessalonians - "Brothers and Sisters: Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus." ~1 Thessalonians 5:16~ i think the ceaseless prayer that St. Paul talks about is about an attitude of communion with God that is a real part of each day (all day long) and in every pleasant or not so pleasant circumstance. we also have to act justly, treating others the way God treats us - God loves us and is always ready to forgive us, so others are worthy of the same. and, finally, St. Paul tells us that we should give thanks in all circumstances. we should really thank God every day and really stop and count our blessings regularly - if we do this, we will really see just how much we have to be thankful for. one of my favorite verses from Sacred Scripture comes to mind (i've shared it before, and will again) "You have been told, O Man, what is right and what Yahweh wants of you. Only this, to act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with yor God." ~Micah 6:8~ PEACE!
    tara t


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