December 20, 2008

The New Temple

The Incarnation of the Word in the mystery of the Lord's Nativity is the appearance of the Temple of the New Jerusalem, giving all humanity a chance to make of themselves a perfect and pleasing sacrifice to God. My homily for this weekend is posted here.


  1. very inspirational homily, Fr. C! thank you! the message that i get from the readings and your homily is that we are all "temples of the Holy Spirit." Just as in this weekend's Gospel reading, God found favor with Mary and she was chosen to bear Christ in her body and bring Him to the world. and, so, we, too, are called to bring Jesus to the world in our lives, by how we live. we should pray always for the strength to go out into the world and bring Jesus to others in every situation, as you mention in your homily: "through our joys and pains, our sufferings and loves of our lives." we might not feel worthy to be God's temples and we probably aren't, but that doesn't get us off the hook. remember that God has taken up residence in some very humble places such as a tent, a manger and a cross. our lives may not be perfect, but God can use us as His instruments if we are open to His Will and to the Holy Spirit, just as Mary says in the Gospel of today from Luke: "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord, May it be done to me according to your word." ~Luke 1:38~ PEACE!
    tara t

  2. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Not to be picky, but, "all humanity" is singular and "themselves" is plural. The pronoun must agree in number with the noun. :)

  3. Thanks for the correction, anonymous. I'll leave the errors in so that your comment makes sense and as a warning to all the friars who employ me as an editor! ;)


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