December 6, 2008

Think Again

The appearance of the Forerunner, John the Baptist, is the "beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God." John invites us to metanoia, to think again, to have second thoughts about our selfish ways, and thus to prepare ourselves for the arriving Kingdom of God in the person of Jesus Christ. My homily for this weekend is posted here.

1 comment:

  1. hi Fr. C!
    sorry for the delay in posting a comment. i had a busy saturday - morning prayer & the 8:30 am Mass there at Sacred Heart; then the 9:30 am funeral Mass; (then after that i had to go somewhere for a few hours; then back to Sacred Heart for the 5:00 pm Mass; then Nocturnal Adoration from 7:00-8:30 pm and then home - to SLEEP! also had a busy sunday today-served at the 7:45 am Mass at St. Theresa's; helped with RCIA, since there was no religious education for the children today; also volunteered at the parish blood drive till around 3:30 pm; then went to a friend's house for supper. just got home a little while ago. it was really almost too busy this weekend. i didn't get to have my quiet time this weekend at Sacred Heart church like i usually do and i missed that, which brings me to your homily. i did get a chance to read your homily yesterday and again today and it is great. thank you, as always, for your inspiration! repentance and forgiveness is the theme i'm hearing most from the readings of this second Sunday of Advent. i feel that in our anticipation and waiting for Christmas, Advent is a similar season to Lent because it is important to change our ways or, as you say in your homily "to think again," 'to have second thoughts,' or even 'to change your mind.' doing this is really a year round necessity. we can pray to God to help us to find the special, hidden gifts that are all around us everyday in the little, everyday moments of our life, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, that will help us find the way to PEACE on earth!
    tara t


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