January 31, 2009

The Prophet Like Moses

St. Mark's gospel, in which the demons recognize Jesus right away but human beings generally don't, forces the question upon us, "Who do you say that I am?" My homily for this weekend is posted here.

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME homily, Fr. C! i'm especially inspired by the last paragraph of your homily, which tells us why we, like Moses, can "connect people to God," by going "up to the mountain to converse with God." i think this means that the mountain for is where-ever we go to pray and listen and talk with God. it's through constant and regular prayer that we will be able to "connect others to God," as you say in your homily. i also hear in your homily that through Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross, that frequent participation in the Eucharist is very important. this is what will give us the strength to go back and forth from the mountain to the people of God. also, what Moses did by "freeing us from sin, leading us through the waters of baptism, and setting us confidently on the journey through the wilderness of this life toward the Promised Land of Heaven," is alot like belonging to the church. this is why we need the church and each other in our lives - connecting with each other and helping and encouraging each other is very important, too. PEACE!
    ~tara t~


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