February 17, 2009

Back in the Day

Today on the feast of the founders of the Servite order, I keep thinking how it must have been a blast to live in Europe back in the decades surrounding the turn of the thirteenth century. Victorines in Paris, Waldensians in Lyons, Humiliati in Milan, Servites in Florence, Franciscans and Dominicans all over, having professors with names like "Petrus Comestor" and waiting for Joachim of Fiore's third age of the world to appear... all together it must have been quite something.


  1. HAPPY FEAST DAY! see you later at the other Fr. "C's":)lecture on St. Paul! PEACE!
    ~tara t~

  2. Anonymous2:38 PM

    The entire text of "The Thirteenth Greatest of Centuries" by James J. Walsh, is availble for free download from the University of Notre Dame Web server:



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