February 28, 2009

The New Flood

The flood was the prefiguring of the baptism we now share with Christ, and which we prepare to renew in this holy season. My homily for this weekend is posted here.

1 comment:

  1. great homily, Fr. C! it's a good reminder from you on what our baptism really means. what inspires me most in your homily is where you say that "God recreates us gently from within," through our baptism. that's a beautiful way to think about baptism! also, as during the advent season, we're preparing the way of the Lord during this season of Lent, too, but in a deeper, more prayerful and intimate way. the season of Lent is a quieter, more peaceful time, which is one of the reasons Lent and Easter are my favorite times of the liturgical year. i also love ordinary time in the summer. a peaceful Lent to all! Pax et Bonum!
    ~tara t~


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