March 9, 2009

Domine, Non Sum Digna

We're probably all familiar with those who mean well but wrongheadedly change the texts of the Mass to make them "inclusive." E.g., those who adjust the preface dialogue and say, "It is right to give God thanks and praise," even though the antecedent for the expunged "him" in this case is "the Lord," a title that ordinarily (for us Christians) refers to the risen Jesus. Or we think of those who prefer to pray their own personal Sanctus and say "Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord," when even a casual perusal of the Scriptures reveals that the Christian use of this phrase refers to Jesus, making the "he" obviously appropriate. Part of this is the obscuring of the specificity of Christianity after all, in our general slip toward the more civil theology of "one paths to one divine something-or-other." But I digress.

This stuff is generally associated with "liberals," which is why I had to laugh at this post over on WDTPRS, describing someone who adjusted the gender of the Latin text in the Extraordinary Form Mass by saying "Domine, non sum digna ut intres sub tectum meum..." I don't know if I'm offended by the audacity to change the Mass or in love with sensitivity to Latin grammar!

As I've said before, a wider use of the 1962 Missal is going to raise thorny issues for its proponents that perhaps they haven't anticipated!


  1. Anonymous1:44 PM

    It not as if praying in a different gender is a one way street. We do that when we pray the Magnificat, even in English, don't we. I mean, a man can't really be a handmaid can he? But when we pray in a Spirit of Truth we can truly make the words of Mary our own.

    I think the same can be said for the words of the Centurion. At this part of the mass we are praying to mke his faith the same as our own.

  2. I am enjoying your post. Keep up the good works


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