July 28, 2009

Retreat Notes: Prayer and Intention

The "practice" of contemplative prayer can be an obstacle to prayer--if, consciously or not, we come to it and execute it wrong-headedly as one more project, one more task. Dismiss thoughts! Form intention! Desire God!

No! This is not a job or another task! "You have only to keep still." (Exodus 14:14) Let go of thoughts not as a project in itself, which only reinforces religion as agonistic self-involvement, but to sit still and hear God calling within. It is not a strenuous reaching up to God, but the practice of noticing that he delights to descend and live within you.


  1. Delurking to say that I'm very much enjoying your notes as I prepare to go on retreat in a few days!

  2. Thanks for delurking, and have a blessed retreat!

  3. It's helpful to me too, as I prepare to visit the Cistercians. Will be a lot of time of quiet...

  4. Julia7:19 PM

    And I'll be going on a week long silent retreat next month.

    Father, you're basically acting as our study guide in these posts. :)

  5. Don't worry; tomorrow I turn positive!

  6. Thanks for this wonderful post. Also wanted to make sure you saw this story about some from your Order in the Wash. Post. Great images too!


  7. Great story! Thanks for the link!


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