July 4, 2009

Thank You to Readers

I was delighted to see that a minor friar received quite a few votes for "best blog by a religious" in this year's Catholic New Media Awards.

Thanks to all of you for your prayers, support, and encouragement.

So here's the question for readers: now the voting is over, and not being the winner, do I leave the nomination badge up on the sidebar?


  1. pennyante9:24 AM

    If you leave it up, it means that each time you receive a nomination in the future, you will have to add it to the column. You can imagine what those columns of awards get to look like on a blog... :)

    I don't think awards are what you are about anyway... but that is just my take.

  2. Congratulations!

  3. leave it up. it's good currency.

  4. hi Fr. C!
    i was unable to vote because i had trouble getting to the site to vote for some reason. but, i would say leave it up, too, because even thogh you may not have won, you're a winner to us (your readers) thanks for the great topics and, as always, your inspiration! PEACE! ~tara t~

  5. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Don't put it up. Humility is
    the honor that we need.

  6. This poll seems to be more or less tied. Next comment breaks the tie and closes it!

  7. Leave it up. You earned it.
