August 21, 2009

Latin Downloads

Over the past couple of years, I've taken time to type out a few things to assist with liturgical Latin. So today I thought of sharing them for the sake of priests, seminarians, or anyone else who might be interested or have a use for them!

Even though you probably offer Mass in the Ordinary Form according to a local translation, why not at least learn the prayers to be said voce submissa in Latin? Try my Novus Ordo altar card for Masses otherwise celebrated in translation, easily formatted to fit in two columns and printed on letter sized paper or card stock, and then folded in half.

Want to celebrate the Ordinary Form of Holy Mass in the ordinary language of the Roman Rite, but need to help folks learn the responses? Try my 2002 Missale Romanum Worship Aid. N.B. that is seems out of order, but it's meant to be formatted so that you can print it out as a folded half sheet booklet.

Are you learning to offer Mass in the Extraordinary Form but need even a little more help than traditional altar cards can give you? Try my TLM Low Mass Cheat Sheet, which is easily formatted to be printed as a slender half sheet that can fit discreetly on the altar until you have it all down. "+" indicates a Sign of the Cross, and "o" indicates a kiss.

Finally, learn the Vesting Prayers! Note that since the amice and maniple have fallen into widespread desuetude, these prayers are in parentheses.

More to come! Sharp readers who catch errors should let me know!


  1. Thanks! this is great

  2. Qualis Rex2:59 PM

    Bless you, Father Charles. Honestly, I say this from the bottom of my heart, it is good priests like you who will restore the church. Your efforts are NOT in vein. You are truly doing God's work and although I have never met you in person, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your obvious efforts and initiative. I will pray that God continues to reward and guide you in all that you do!!!!!

  3. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Father, those are WONDERFUL. When you get a chance, ask Fr. JD about the vesting prayers in the sacristy at SJE. I will try to get a picture of them when I get a chance.

  4. I shall. I have the honor of vesting a new priest this coming October, so one of my current projects is to write second-person versions of the prayers for stole and chasuble that I can pray for him that day.

  5. I learned (or, rather, am in the process of memorizing) how to serve the altar at a Low Mass with the help of the Canons Regular of Saint John Cantius. I'll have to offer you the luxury of an altar server at some point while I'm in Brooklyn, so you don't need to recite all of the prayers yourself.

    I'm still working on a little bit of pronunciation (the word "totiúsque" from the response "Suscípiat Dóminus sacrifícium..." still slips me up...) and getting the timing right, plus there are mixed reports as to how many times to ring the bell during the Canon. All sources have agreed that the bell is rung once when the priest extends his hands over the chalice and once at the the genuflection of the priest before and after the major elevation (once before, once after each major elevation). However, at least one source said to ring the bell only once during the major elevation, but I think you're supposed to ring the bell three times during each major elevation.

  6. Father O'Brien's little book, How to Serve Low Mass and Benediction seems to indicate as you do.

  7. P.s. A server is not a luxury, because to lack one is a defect in the celebration of Mass. (De defectibus X:1)


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