September 28, 2009

Search Terms

One of the fun and interesting aspects of maintaining a blog is reviewing the search engine terms that bring visitors. Here are some of my recent favorite searches made by some soul that succeeded in drawing them to a minor friar:

following simple directions. One of my special talents!

interesting burial requests. I don't know if they are interesting, but I do have requests.

Capuchin friars horarium. I wish!

dangers of celibacy. Have I something to say, or am I myself the example?

six day hypocrite and Sunday morning saint. That's me! Except for the Sunday morning saint part.


  1. :) you are so hysterical.

  2. I've been following your blog for a little while. It came highly recommended by a Catholic friend and I'm enjoying reading your posts.

    Anyway, I am always amused to see what search terms bring people to my little blog. The terms that found your blog, are much more amusing than the ones that find mine.

  3. It's good to meet you, Maria.

  4. There are times when I wonder if I'm the one doing the search of if there is a leprechaun dancing on the keys. Cathy


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