September 16, 2009

Stuff For Trade

Stuff I have for which I would love to find a good home:

A copy of the Fonti Francescane, 1978 Franciscan 'omnibus of sources' in Italian. Good condition, with someone's personal dedication in the front flap.

A curious altar card set, with all three "cards" mounted on a single piece of wood, about 2 feet by 11 inches. Originally for use at sea, judging from seal on the back.

Stuff that I am looking for:

A Quaracchi edition Opera Omnia of St. Bonaventure. 10 volumes, 1882 and following. I am sure that there are many sets of these languishing unappreciated in friary libraries around the world.

A copy of the Franciscan Press edition of Bonaventure's Collations on the Six Days.

A copy, in any condition, of Olaus Wormius' Latin translation of the Necronomicon (preferably the 17th century Spanish printing)

Sets of black and/or non-offensive rose vestments, i.e. chasuble, stole, maniple, burse, and chalice veil. Either Roman or gothic chasuble.


  1. Ad Abolendam7:21 PM

    I take it you're joking about the Necronomicon?

  2. That depends; do you have one in Ole Worm's translation? ;)

  3. I was *this close* to posting and asking, in a carefully respectful tone, why you want to read an apparently occultic book that was banned by the Pope in the Middle Ages.

    Then I Googled more carefully. :)

  4. A blessed feast of the Stigmata to you.

    Check out Luzar Vestments. They have a red maniple, burse and chalice veil set for sale.


  5. Ooh, that missale romanum seraphicum is a find indeed.

    I'm a secular franciscan not a friar or a priest, but I must say, as a Franciscan book lover, that's a Doozy.

    The Franciscan Friars that I know, the priests anyways, tend to be of the stripe that would look at you like you had two heads if you asked them about celebrations of the mass in the Extraordinary form.

    Me, I'm a big fan of the ordinary form of the Mass, in Latin. That's, in my humble opinion, one of the liturgical high points of the last five hundred years.

    I'm a fan of latin in the mass, but not so big a fan of the silent canon. Okay, I even like the really quirky bits of the traditional mass, like the last gospel, which by the way, messes up that neat division of "liturgy of the word" and "liturgy of eucharist" in the mass.

    In some way, I see the Novus Ordo as closer to the primitive apostolic intentions of the Catholic church, and closer to the mass that Francis himself would have heard, than the 1962 misalle romanum was.




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