January 6, 2010

Little Breviary Table

This picture has appeared in this post over on WDTPRS. It's the little table where I keep my daily prayer books.

Going counter-clockwise from the top left:

American English Roman-Franciscan Liturgy of the Hours, volume I

Typical edition Liturgy of the Hours, volume I (in cover I got for 10 euro in Rome)

Liber Hymnarius (partially obscured)

1992 American Liturgy of the Hours supplement (totally obscured, but very necessary on a day like today, the feast of Brother André)

Baronius Press hand missal

1962 Breviarium Romano-Seraphicum, Capuchin use, pars prior

I have usufruct of the little table, but it came from another brother.


  1. You forgot the most important thing in your caption- the mug!

  2. Yeah, what created that awful stain in the mug? Super dark roast or hot chocolate? It almost has a hot chocolate look to it.

  3. Bless1:30 PM

    Please find a better place for your mug and not on top of those prayer books.Feels like I am reminding my son today.Sorry Father Charles...

  4. Qualis Rex1:41 AM

    Father Charles - congratulations. This is the first (and possibly the ONLY time) I've ever associated the "liturgy of the hours" and "fun" together : )

    Now the lamentations of Job and fun...

  5. No New Testament, psalter or Bible?

  6. You have such a way with words...I like that!


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