February 8, 2010

St. Josephine

For the early Mass this morning I opted to celebrate St. Josephine Bakhita, and during the Prayer of the Faithful I invited the assembly to pray for Sudan and her people, as well as for the safety of all trafficked persons and for the formation of consciences on this issue.

It's one of those days that makes you look forward to the forthcoming English translation of the third edition Roman Missal; St. Josephine has a proper collect in the 2002 MR, but we can't use it because a translation has not yet been promulgated. Here it is:

Deus, qui beatam Iosephinam a servitute abiecta,
ad dignitatem filiae tuae et Christi sponsae adduxisti,
da nobis, quaesumus, eius exemplo,
Dominum Iesum crucifixum constanti dilectione prosequi
et in caritate ad misericordiam propensos perseverare.
Per Dominum...

God, who drew blessed Josephine from abject servitude
to the dignity of being your daughter and a spouse of Christ,
grant to us, we ask, that by her example,
we may follow the crucified Jesus with constant love,
and be lovingly ready to persevere in mercy.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son...


  1. When will the Liturgy of the Hours be printed in a form that updates certain saints canonized the late 1960s, are Saints now, and not merely Blessed?

    Of course I expected today's new saint not to be there. But Blessed John Neumann (he was Blessed in 1963) is what my LOTH says in the calendar of saints. And he was canonized in 1977. My LOTH was published in 2001.

    What giveth, eh wot? Like a mighty tortoise is the ICEL... onward yet it ploddeth...


  2. One would hope, dare I say presume, that the new missal in English will demand a new publishing of the LoH so that the collects can match. Let's hope.

  3. Perhaps the guaranteed boost in demand will make it cheap, too? Dare dreameth I?

  4. Qualis Rex5:53 PM

    Fr Charles - you constantly amaze me. St Josephine Bakhita (pray for us) is one of my all-time favorite saints. Although her story comes from the last century, it is almost timeless/ancient as it deals with slavery, religious persectution, human dignity and the power of faith. She was somoene whowas SO REMARKABLE, because while she had been told (and treated) from childhood up to her adult life that her human worth was less than that of animals. Yet she knew she was a person, capable of good and the love of God. She made a conscious effort NOT to be identified as a "victim of slavery", and said "If I were to meet the slave-traders who kidnapped me and even those who tortured me, I would kneel and kiss their hands, for if that did not happen, I would not be a Christian and Religious today".

    I pray nightly for the Christians of the Sudan. I've always found it odd, if ot horrible that when the Sudanese Mohammedans were committing genocide against the Southern Sudanese Christians went on for 14 years and few even knew about it, let alone tried to stop it. Yet when the same Mohammedans rose up against against other Mohammedans in Darfur, the world went zonkers and any celebrity worth their weight in salt started talking about it.

    Odd. But not really.

  5. Couldn't you just use the (untranslated) collect from the 2002 MR? And then translate it for the people in your homily? Just a thought. Happy Sunday, Father.

  6. I suspect I would be in trouble!


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