March 9, 2010

Santo Subito

Does this count as a miracle for beatification?


  1. Very ODD!!! Is this real or a joke? HUMMM...Cathy

  2. Qualis Rex6:52 PM

    Santo dubito...

  3. Br. Charles, I would like to use your comment (not word-for-word, but the idea of it) from Fr. Z's post on priestly ad-libbing:

    "When the priest introduced the penitential rite with an invitation to reflect on our “faults and weaknesses,” my teacher walked out, explaining, “I follow St. Paul and boast of my weaknesses. I came here today for forgiveness of sins”"

    in a book I am writing on the new English translation. Would you prefer an attribution, and if so, how?

  4. Jeffrey: Send another comment, which I won't publish, with an email address.

  5. I guess you'd better watch what you tweet, Father!

  6. Anonymous9:36 PM

    If you see His Holiness following you anywhere else I would immediately call the Congregation for Saints!!

  7. I'm intrigued that the late Holy Father only has 42 followers himself.

  8. Since I posted, he seems to be up to 69. Perhaps, like Spinal Tap, his "appeal is becoming more selective."

  9. That's priceless. But then again, I was following God on Twitter for a while (true; someone has that user name and posts as if from on high)


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