January 23, 2011

Superangelic Evangelization

Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, our bishop himself is preaching at Masses all over the archdiocese of Boston to kick off the Catholics Come Home outreach.

Facing the back of the television from my versus populum presidential chair (and with my sense of liturgical decorum keeping me from abandoning it) and without the best sound system in the world, I didn't catch everything in the Spanish version of the homily. So after Mass I was delighted to notice that not only were all the videos online, but that the initiative had its own website, which I linked above. Here is Cardinal Seán's homily in English, Spanish, and Portuguese:

2011 Catholics Come Home, Boston - ENGLISH from bostoncatholic on Vimeo.

2011 Catholics Come Home, Boston - SPANISH from bostoncatholic on Vimeofrom bostoncatholic on Vimeo..

2011 Catholics Come Home, Boston - PORTUGUESE

While the video was playing during Mass, the thought of the Cardinal preaching in various churches not only simultaneously but in various languages reminded me of this part of a talk from Marshall McLuhan:

Let us pray for Cardinal Seán and the success of Catholics Come Home in Boston!

1 comment:

  1. The main Catholics Come Home website has some great videos and resources as well. http://www.catholicscomehome.org



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