I love breviaries. Yesterday I was thinking about how I have a lot of them. Not that I make any apology for this, because it's one of the only things a friar is allowed to have according to the Rule. I counted mine up, and realized I have something like twenty volumes of different sorts of breviaries:
3 4-volume sets of the Liturgy of the Hours:
typical edition (Latin)
Roman-Franciscan (English)
Romano-Serafico (Italian)
I also have:
1962 Breviarium Romano-Seraphicum in the Capuchin use (2 volumes)
Roman-Franciscan Christian Prayer (This is what we were given to use when I was in formation with the OFM)
Daily Prayer (This is the Commonwealth English version of the Christian Prayer we have here in the USA. I picked it up and used it when I was a student in Ireland.)
Shorter Christian Prayer (my first breviary!)
Daytime Prayer (Great for keeping the clerical book bag light!)
The Ordinary Time volume of the Kleines Stundenbuch, which is sort of like Shorter Christian Prayer in German.
Liturgia de Las Horas para los fieles, which is like the Shorter Christian Prayer in Spanish.
I'm not sure where iBreviary fits into this.
I consider myself lucky that I have one that I can use.
ReplyDeleteI didn't say I knew how to use all of them! :)