March 18, 2012

Laetare Ierusalem

Yes, I wore it.

Had I a pink rose cincture, I would have worn that too.


  1. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Father Charles. Thanks for upholding tradition. This looks like a nice vestment. My parish has relegated a beautiful rose set to the back of the closet, while using a new unadorned rose vestment in a fabric that appears to be burlap (or something close thereto).

  2. As I expected, it was all purple, all the time, in my parish. I don't even know if we have any rose vestments there.

  3. We have lovely rose vestments with purple velvet and gold piping for trim. And blue eyed clergy who really look great in rose ;)

    I'm surprised more parishes don't use the rose, since it sets the day apart very distinctively.

    Maybe the non-blued-eyed feel silly wearing "pink."

  4. Suzanne9:39 PM

    Beautiful -- well done. I admit I am jealous and covet they chasuble.

  5. Anonymous10:07 PM

    I did not know rose vestments were used during lent until your post.Being confused, I googled Laetare Ierusalem and was fortunate enough to be led to another blog which explained its meaning:

    Thanks! Now I am confused though whay I have not seen them at Mass this Lenten season?


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