March 2, 2012

Quaerere Deum

My first priest, who dealt with me in my early curiosities about becoming a Catholic, and who also had the burden of my pastoral care from my neophyte days until I graduated from college and joined the Leonine Franciscans, has always insisted that I am supposed to be a Benedictine rather than a Franciscan.

I, of course, am not convinced of his assertion, though I wouldn't be surprised to learn that some of my Capuchin confreres agreed with it.

Nevertheless, watching this video from the new monastery of St. Benedict in Norcia, I can't deny the attraction. I think I also heard that they plan to build a new abbey where there once stood a Capuchin friary. Go figure.

When I get to my own new assignment in Italy, I'm looking forward to visiting these monks. In some of the scenes I see what looks like a friar in a Conventual sort of habit, so I already feel welcome.


  1. Anonymous1:18 PM


    Been there, done that. I love the Bennies, but stick with the Capuchins.


  2. My name is Peter Hayden, the director and producer of the film. I will be uploading another short piece showing the place where the new abbey will be built and the ruins of the old buildings. Also, the Franciscan you see in the film was visiting and has now joined the order.


    Peter Hayden

  3. Thanks so much for your beautiful work!

    However, learning that the Franciscan seen in the film has joined the community makes me wonder if I ought to visit. ;)

  4. Suzanne7:36 PM

    Enjoyed watching this -- thanks for sharing. Does look like our OHC. I hope they make good friends for you.

  5. Anonymous12:08 PM

    I knew watching the film, which was beautiful, that the Franciscan would be making a move. God bless him.
    Be on guard during your visit, Brother Charles!



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