November 8, 2012

Feast of the Subtle Doctor

Today is the first time I ever remember celebrating the feast of Blessed John Duns Scotus. I'm not saying that he's not on the most recent Franciscan calendars at home, but we certainly don't have any propers and I don't remember ever observing his day. In any case, he seems to be an obligatory memorial for us here in Italy, and here's his collect in the 2011 Santorale Francescano: Collectio Missarum (Padua: Editrici Francescane):

Father, source of all wisdom,
who in blessed John Duns Scotus, priest,
believer in the immaculate conception
of the Virgin Mary,
have given us a teacher of life and of thought,
grant that, illuminated by his example
and nourished by his doctrine,
we might hold fast to Christ.
He who is God, and lives and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
for ever and ever.

From the Martyrology:

At Cologne in German Lotharingia, blessed John Duns Scotus, priest of the Order of Friars Minor, who, born in Scotland, taught the disciplines of philosophy and theology as an illustrious master at Canterbury, Oxford, Paris, and at last, Cologne, with subtle genius and wonderful fervor.

Pray for us.

UPDATE: I notice that The Smithy has posted the actual collect.


  1. Here in Scotland his is an obligatory memorial as well, but I didn't have any propers. Thanks for the prayer.

  2. Ha! That's about as unofficial a translation as you could get. Happy feast day!

  3. It'll do for private recitation of the Office. Happy feast to you as well!

  4. What do we call him now that he's a Saint?

    Saint Blessed John Duns Scotus???

    I believe (I do not have it in front of me) that he is listed in the Roman Franciscan Supplement...


  5. On All Hallow's Eve in Oxford this year, I accompanied my flatmate on a 'Ghost Walk'. She was keen, and I was willing. It was very theatrical and the performer in question was good at magic tricks. Everything was suitably silly. Then we got to Merton, and the performer began his spooky tale of a Monk that haunted the library, his feet not visible as the floor had been raised....he eventually named the monk (sic). It was, he claimed, Blessed Duns Scotus! Well, I laughed so hard my flatmate had to ask me what was the matter. She's not a Catholic, but quickly got the picture when I pointed out Saints aren't known for the hauntings, and dying in full reception of the sacraments of the Church, with prayers for your soul to 'rest in peace', generally ruled out wandering round libraries to finish your homework. I asked for the intercession of Blessed Duns Scotus, and I'm sure he saw the funny side. Still, I shan't walk past Merton again without thinking of him :-) xx


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