April 19, 2013

Proper Calendar of the Diocese of Rome

Here in Rome today is the feast of Pope St. Leo IX, who is remembered mostly for being pope at the time of the mutual excommunication of the Bishop of Rome and the Patriarch of Constantinople in 1054. It was the occasion of my discovering something I've been mildly interested in finding since being here: a proper calendar for the diocese of Rome. I don't know how up to date it is; one notices right away that it isn't recent enough to include Pope Blessed John Paul II. Of course there are a lot of saints that also appear on the universal calendar but are celebrated at a different level of solemnity in Rome. And, of course, I can't help but point out the presence of two Capuchins.

Nevertheless, here it is, after the jump. Optional memorials are in italics, feasts in capitals, solemnities in boldface capitals, como Dios manda.

January 9       Bl. Gregory X, pope
January 10     St. Agatho, pope
January 22     St. Vincent Pallotti, priest

February 1     Bl. Ludovica Albertoni
February 28   St. Hilarius, pope

March 1         St. Felix III, pope

April 13         St. Martin I, pope and martyr
April 16         St. Benedict Joseph Labre
April 19         St. Leo IX, pope
April 29         ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA, virgin and doctor of the Church,
                      principal patron of Italy
April 30         St. Pius V, pope

May 18          St. John I, pope and martyr
                      St. Felix of Cantalice, religious
May 23          St. John Baptist Rossi, priest
May 24          Blessed Virgin Mary, Help of Christians
May 25          St. Gregory VII, pope

June 2             Ss. Marcellinus and Peter, martyrs
June 9             Bl. Anna Maria Taigi, mother
June 26           Ss. John and Paul, martyrs
June 29           Ss. PETER AND PAUL, APOSTLES, principal patrons of Rome
June 30           First Martyrs of the Church of Rome

July 23            St. Bridget of Sweden, religious
July 28            Bl. Urban II, pope

August 12       Bl. Innocent XI, pope
August 19       St. Sixtus III, pope

October 4       St. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, principal patron of Italy
October 14     St. Callixtus I, pope and martyr
October 21     St. Gaspar del Bufalo, priest

November 13  St. Nicholas I, pope
November 20  St. Gelasius I, pope
November 23  St. Clement I, pope and martry
November 26  St. Siricius, pope
                        St. Leonard of Port Maurice, priest

December 11   St. Damasus I, pope

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