April 20, 2014

Happy Easter

As sleepy as this old blog has become, I can't let it go without an Easter post to greet the kind visitors who still check in here as well as those who come by way of links and search traffic.

The Resurrection is the dawn of the new creation of which Our Lady's Immaculate Conception was the first light. It is the good news that the death of sin--earned for us by our first parents--has been defeated by the Son of God in the humanity he borrowed from us through her consent. As citizens of this new creation by baptism and conformed to the death and Resurrection of Christ by Holy Communion, we can begin to live in freedom from the works of death and "seek the things that are above" (Colossians 3:1)

I was fairly pleased with at least some of what I did for Lent; I think it left me more open, more willing, quieter. More and more I know--beyond just saying it--that this is what prayer is about: willingness, openness, consent, surrender. An acceptance of what God gives, the wonder at how his presence to you has always been broader than you knew or reflected upon in what you called your prayer or 'spiritual life', consent to letting go even of ideas about him and your ideas of what it meant to be faithful.

So to all the believers who come by this post, I wish a blessed celebration of Easter and the hopeful awareness of the new life that wills to be born in you.


  1. Easter Blessings, Fr. Charles! I did feel a sense of new life last night during the Easter Vigil as one young woman went through the waters of baptism and was confirmed and received the Eucharist for the first time. Another young woman received her First Communion and Confirmation, and two young men received the Holy Spirit in Confirmation. Two teens made Professions of Faith and received First Eucharist and Confirmation. It was an uplifting and beautiful Liturgy enhanced by Andy's awesome music program. I did feel something new growing beneath my heart. It is in a spiritual embryonic form right new, but it is truly a call to a deeper prayer life.

    I suspect that this will be last Easter Vigil at "the Heart" as I am number one on the waiting list for a ground floor apartment in West Haverstraw. Management is beginning to check my finances so I imaging they are just about ready to set my rent. I am excited and kind of anxious at the same time as I do not yet know how I will execute the move. I really must start packing! That seems like a very daunting task to me since it is getting harder for me to walk lately. Ah yes, the Lord will provide. Please keep me in prayer as I will need quite some strength to pull this off. You are always in my prayers.

    May the joy of this "day the Lord has made" remain with you throughout the Easter Season and beyond.

    In Him,

  2. I've only commented a couple times, but I'll take this opportunity to simply say I've been reading for years and am appreciative. I don't mean to place any burden in that. Thank you for sharing your journey.

  3. Thanks for the encouragement!

  4. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Keep writing Charles, the brothers at St. Pius often mention your blog in favorable ways - not everyone can pass that acid test!

  5. Thanks for the encouragement!


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