November 6, 2014

Blessed Andrés de Palazuelo and Companions, Martyrs

This morning the brethren entered the chapel to find at their places a holy card of Blessed Andrés de Palazuelo and Companions, those Capuchins among the most recently beatified martyrs of the Spanish Civil War. I didn't make the connection that today is their feast day (it had not been previously announced on the little paper of the week's liturgical directives) and so as first acolyte I was left scrambling to find the Common of Several Martyrs so I could intone the invitatory antiphon.

These are people who were killed simply for professing the faith, and they are recent enough to be our grandparents. May our prayers be with the persecuted of our time, and may God's strength be with us when the persecution comes to us.

The holy card offered this prayer, in Spanish:

Oh Dios omnipotente y eterno que has dado a los Beatos Andrés y Compañeros mártires la gracia de unirse a la pasión de Cristo con el sacrificio de su propia vida, ven en ayuda de nuestra debilidad y concédenos, por su intercesión, la gracia de ser fuertes, como ellos, para poder también nosotros confesar sin temor alguno tu nombre. Por Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Amén


  1. Oh Dios omnipotente y eterno que has dado a los Beatos Andrés y Compañeros mártires la gracia de unirse a la pasión de Cristo con el sacrificio de su propia vida, ven en ayuda de nuestra debilidad y concédenos, por su intercesión, la gracia de ser fuertes, como ellos, para poder también nosotros confesar sin temor alguno tu nombre. Por Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Amén
    Oh omnipotent and eternal God Who to the Blesseds Andres and Companions martrys the grace of uniting themselves to the Passion of Christ by the act of giving up their very lives, that they may come to help us in our weekness and concede, by their intercession the grace to be strong with ellos (no idea on that one)to be able to approach our confessor without fear in Your Name. Through our Lord Jesus Christ.

    I think. :o Don't really speak Spanish, but my Italian might have helped. :o

  2. I'm having a difficult time finding out what happened to the cause for canonization for the first martyr of Denver, Fr. Leo Heinrichs, OFM. While he's not a Capuchin, could you perhaps direct me to the right folks to ask?

  3. @GtO Probably the first thing to do is to call the diocese where he died and find out how is the vice-postulator of the cause. That's the person you want.


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