April 19, 2015

A Prayer After Holy Communion

Lord God, may this Holy Communion with the Body and your Blood of your Son be for me true food and true drink (John 6:55) to nourish the person you have created, and to starve and put to death the old man (Ephesians 4:22) with the futile conduct he has learned. (1 Peter 1:18)

May this Holy Communion burn in me with the fire of your Holy Spirit, to conceive me anew as a member of the Body of Christ; may it burn my lips like the coal with which you purified the voice of the prophet Isaiah (6:7) so that I may speak the truth to myself, to those whose journey you make intersect with mine, and to the world.

Let this Holy Communion sink into me as that white stone, inscribed with the new name that no one knows except the one who receives it, (Revelation 2:17) that I may come to know You who call me by name, by the true identity by which I am truly called, and in which is my only real existence, in You, conceived by Your Holy Spirit and reborn in the humanity of Jesus Christ.


  1. How Beautiful!!! This one's a keeper! Have you ever seen the prayer by St. Alphonsus "Prayer for a Deeper Love of the Blessed Sacrament" which says "O God of love, O infinite lover, worthy of infinite love, tell me what more You can invent to make us love You? It was not sufficient for You to become man, and to subject Yourself to all our miseries; not sufficient to shed all Your blood for us in torments, and then to die overwhelmed with sorrow, upon a cross destined for the most shameful malefactors. You, at last, obliged Yourself to be hidden, under the species of bread and wine, to become our food, and so united with each one of us. Tell me, I repeat, what more can You invent to make Yourself loved by us? Ah, wretched shall we be if we do not love You in this life! And when we shall have entered into eternity, what remorse shall we not feel for not having loved you! My Jesus, I will not die without loving you, and loving You exceedingly.! I am heartily sorry, and am pained for having so greatly offended You. But now I love You above all things. I love You more than myself, and I consecrate to You all my affections. You Who inspire me with this desire, give me also grace to accomplish it. My Jesus, my Jesus, I desire nothing of You but Yourself. Now that You have drawn me to Your love, I leave all, I renounce all, and I bind myself to You. You alone are sufficient for me."

    I just love St. Alphonsus' writings. He really writes from the heart.

    Hope all is well. It just occurred to me, at 5AM, that I had not checked your blog in a very long time. Then I could not remember the address. I upgraded my computer and I guess that's why I hadn't contacted you.
    Fortunately I saved past posts and one of them had your address.

    Hope you like the prayer. Holding you in prayer daily.

  2. Thank you for your prayer!

  3. That's a lovely prayer. More where that came from?

  4. Thanks for the encouragement!


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