March 30, 2024

The Easter Itinerancy

(An old post updated)

Every year on this holy night I reflect on the grace of itinerancy that the Holy Spirit has given me; only twice in my whole baptism have I been in the same place for the Easter Vigil for more than two years in a row. When I think about all the places I've been for the Vigil, it puts me in awe of God and in a state of gratitude for my journey.

Here's my Easter Vigil history:
  • 2024: Sacred Heart, Yonkers, NY (concelebrant; first time in charge of RCIA)
  • 2023: Annunciation, Crestwood, Yonkers, NY (concelebrant)
  • 2022: Our Lady of Sorrows, White Plains, NY
  • 2021: Our Lady of Sorrows, White Plains, NY

  • 2020: (COVID-19 pandemic, prayed what is provided in the Liturgy of the Hours for qui sollemni Vigilæ paschali non interfuerunt)
  • 2019: Basilica of St. Teresa of Ávila, Rome
  • 2018: Basilica of St. Camillo de Lellis, Rome
  • 2017: Basilica of St. Camillo de Lellis, Rome (in the 25th year of my baptism)
  • 2016: Capuchin General Curia, Rome (concelebrant)

  • 2015: (None, didn't feel well. I prayed what the Liturgy of the Hours provides for those who don't take part--first time for that!)
  • 2014: Capuchin International College 'San Lorenzo da Brindisi,' Rome (concelebrant)
  • 2013: Capuchin International College 'San Lorenzo da Brindisi,' Rome (concelebrant)
  • 2012: Monastery of St. Clare, Jamaica Plain, MA (celebrant)
  • 2011: Rosary Manor, Dominican Sisters of Peace, Watertown, MA (celebrant)
  • 2010: Sacred Heart, Yonkers, NY (concelebrant, initiation of my first born)
  • 2009: Sacred Heart, Yonkers, NY (concelebrant)

  • 2008: Sacred Heart, Yonkers, NY (concelebrant)
  • 2007: St. Anne-St. Augustin, Manchester, NH (deacon)

  • 2006: St. Anne, Readville, MA (acolyte)
  • 2005: St. Anne, Readville, MA (acolyte)
  • 2004: Our Lady of Lourdes, Jamaica Plain, MA (server)
  • 2003: Our Lady of Lourdes, Jamaica Plain, MA (server)
  • 2002: St. Lawrence Seminary, Mt. Calvary, WI
  • 2001: St. Francis Friary, Garrison, NY (server)
  • 2000: St. Francis Friary, Garrison, NY (lector)
  • 1999: St. Lawrence, West Haven, CT
  • 1998: St. Lawrence, West Haven, CT
  • 1997: St. Lawrence, West Haven, CT
  • 1996: St. Mary's, New Haven, CT
  • 1995: Holy Cross, Bronx, NY
  • 1994: St. Mary's Abbey, Morristown, NJ
  • 1993, ?, Verona, Italy

Christ is Risen! Happy Easter!


  1. I suppose this comment will not go down too well. It is a question of Catholic dogma. Do you know any priests who have power and authority to grant a soul safe passage to Purgatory?

  2. Hi CatholicFP,

    I would say that God's salvation is revealed in Jesus Christ and that the Church and her priests are its ministers.

    I would also say that anyone who steers clear of mortal sin, frequents the sacraments and practices prayer and charity has every hope in Jesus Christ of arriving, after his particular judgment, at least in Purgatory.

  3. Standing ovation, Father!

  4. I hope you are well Brother Charles, and that the good Lord has been taking care of you in your vocation.

  5. Thank you, Jeff. I hope you are well too!


Faithful, or even just thoughtful criticisms are always welcome. Uninformed rudeness to other posters or to the Lord and His Church is not.

I also reserve the right to reject comments promoting things like private revelations and fringe points of view, if it seems to me like they are being presented in a misleading way.

If you raise a disagreement with something I say but I do not respond, please do not feel slighted or insulted, or imagine that this automatically means I disagree or agree with you. It's just that I don't find the comment box to be a constructive medium for certain forms of debate.