January 16, 2009

Hermitage Pictures

For two half-days and an overnight, I went with another friar for recollection in some hermitages that the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal have built upstate. I have some written reflections to share, but first: Pictures!

Here's the hermitage I stayed in, dedicated to the Assumption:

And a closer view:

Here's the little chapel. Notice that the Blessed Sacrament hadn't arrived yet; more on that in another post. Notice too the mural above the crucifix. The Holy Spirit and the crown of twelve stars are descending upon Our Lady of Guadalupe, who is being reverenced by Francis, Clare, and an assortment of Franciscan saints.

Here's my little stove after I built a fire to warm the place.

Here are the steps that went up to the loft:

And here's the loft where I slept.

Mmm...rice and beans!


  1. Lovely place. Where in upstate? I ran into one of these fellows at Mt. Irenaeus.:-) Don

  2. thanks for sharing about your hermitage experience, Fr. C! it looks like a great place to really pray and reflect. (hope you were warm enough!) looking forward to reading more about your experience, so, yes, please post more about it. PEACE!
    ~tara t~

  3. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Did you celebrate Mass alone?

  4. Anonymous6:43 AM

    no distractions! just Jesus Christ and snow.. It looks wonderful. I'm happy that there are people who have time to pray. My little lad isn't sleeping, I like to think of people praying, as I try and bluff through another day at work!
    All the best jake

  5. Pia, I went with another friar who stayed in another hermitage. We got together in the morning for Mass.

  6. Anonymous11:55 PM

    God bless you Father. I presume you are not a Friar of the Renewal, only praying at their hermitages? When I was a younger person I listened to the Misfits/Samhain/Danzig - why do you list the Misfits as music you like - it is satanic (very inappropriate)???????

  7. Dear Anonymous,

    Thank you for your blessing. To be honest I find the Misfits to be a more a riff on horror film kitsch than anything genuinely satanic. That isn't to say that there isn't a lot of satanic influence in our culture, and that we do our best to avoid it.

  8. Brother,

    Do you have contact information for the Brothers in charge of the C.F.R. hermitages? Looking for floor plans for a hermitage myself.

    Pax et Bonum,
    Friar Rex


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