January 17, 2009

Meeting Jesus

John the Baptist points Jesus out to Andrew, who introduces him to Simon. We too have been introduced to Jesus so that he may encounter us. My homily for this weekend is posted here.

1 comment:

  1. nice homily, Fr. C! very inspiring and it gives us something to consider and pray about. it's true thst "none of us were born a Christian," as you say in your homily, but that "each of us has been introduced to Jesus by someone." how true this is! as i reflect on who it was that was most instrumental in intoducing Jesus to me, i would say it was a religion teacher(maybe even several religious education teachers) i had as a child. i don't remember learning much at home, but i loved and looked forward to going to weekly religious education class and going to church. my first Holy Communion year and my Confirmation year were even made special by these teachers, the priests and nuns in the parish. i remember developing a deep devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus as a second grader, which was the year i received my first Holy Communion. i even entered a convent right after high school for a very short time (but didn't stay-it wasn't the right timing, i think.) then, right after i came out of the convent, in my late teens/early twenties, some Capuchin friars and the Franciscan friars & sisters of the Atonement came into my life. these are the people who remain most influential and inspiring on my journey with God, even to this present time, along with the many parishioners from the two parishes (Sacred Heart & St. Theresa's) that i'm happy and honored to serve in many ways at. one truly important way of serving is teaching religious education to second graders. it's a great honor and responsibility to be able to help prepare these children for their first Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. and, yes, we have to be good examples for those around us. all it takes is to plant a seed in someone by introducing Jesus to them, then God will take care of the rest! PEACE!
    ~tara t~


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