September 11, 2009

Requiescant in Pace

It is an honor and a privilege of which I am intensely unworthy to get up early on a dark and rainy day, to gather quietly with fourteen other Christian souls, and to offer together the sacrifice of the Mass for the eternal rest of the 343 of New York's Bravest who lost their lives eight years ago this morning.


  1. God bless you and the others for remembering and sending your prayers heavenward...

  2. Qualis Rex2:37 PM

    Today is so bittersweet for me. Prior to 2001, it was a very festive day as it is Coptic and Ethiopian Orthodox New Year (they're on the Julian calendar). They all lament that the day has now forever been "hijacked" by the terrorists now, so you can't celebrate the day at all (definitely not in the US).

    Also, September 11 was celebrated in Europe for centuries as it was the Battle of Vienna in 1683, the battle which finally drove the Mohammedans from Europe (i.e. "the West") after beseiging it for over a century. It is speculated that the date for the attacks was indeed very well-thought as if to say, "we're back."

    Thank you, Father Charles, for your prayers, now and always.

  3. Yes...and it isn't that victory the source of the feast of the Holy Name of Mary?


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