September 11, 2009

So Much for the Helpful Clergy

«Non invenies sacerdotum istum ubique,» ad semetipsum ait, « qui semper tibi talia subministret.»

"You won't find a priest like this everywhere," he said to himself, "who always cares for you like this."

--Francis of Assisi in Thomas of Celano's Remembrance of the Desire of a Soul (2 Celano)

So much for the availability and helpfulness of the clergy! Ha!

Better translations welcome in the comment box!

1 comment:

  1. Qualis Rex2:31 PM

    That's a very good translation, Father Charles. "subministret" is the subjunctive of "subministrare" which is hard to translate into English ("that he may minister/take care of"). I think your translation is right on the money.


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