September 30, 2009

Vast Atheistic Conspiracy

For the feast of St. Jerome, a comment about one of his particular patronages, libraries and librarians:

Was it not some atheistic 'humanist' who decided that in the Library of Congress Classification, Sacred Scripture should be put under 'BS'?

UPDATE: a regular reader and real librarian--my mother--points out that in LC the Bible has no author. To the one who made this decision we might quote 2 Timothy 3:16--and why not in Jerome's translation for his feast day: omnis scriptura divinitus inspirata et utilis ad docendum ad arguendum ad corrigendum ad erudiendum in iustitia. "All scripture is divinely inspired and useful for teaching, for refuting, for correcting, and for training in righteousness."


  1. It wasn't, but clever. ;-)

    (As a librarian, I must say I don't care for LC.)

    Happy feast!

  2. Happy feast day, Thom!

  3. I'd like to see an authority record for the Paraclete.


    Thanks, Father.

  4. Really interesting. I had no idea. I still have soooo much to learn! Thanks!!! Cathy


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