For starters, the little encounters of my arrival and departure:
"The monk who greets me--I recall his face--tells me he's from Marblehead. I tell him that my mother's from Gloucester. We discover that we both had our first experience of religious life in the OFM of the Holy Name province. He was a student at Callicoon. They used to say the rosary walking around the lake. He wanted more prayer. Now he's a Trappist.
'I've been here for 53 years. I think I have a vocation.' he says.
He takes me to the room called St. Catherine, and leaves me there."
This morning after Mass the same monk greeted me in the sacristy, thanked me for reminding him of his first fervor, and said he hoped I would be back soon.
Over the course of the week I also had a few conversations with this chipmunk, who seemed to live in the retreat house courtyard, often sitting--as if presiding over things--on one of the hedges.
"Good morning, today is the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Our celebrant is Fr. Alvin. Please join in singing our opening hymn...."
I'm sure I could have come up with a hymn that would be improved if done in chipmunk voice, but I'm going to Confession in an hour and I've got enough on my list already!'
Welcome back, Father! Sounds like you had a good retreat.
I confess I have conversed with these creatures too. They frequently give the most compelling rebuttals to some of my most complex arguments.
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